If you need to cancel your booking for any reason please make sure that you provide us with written notice, preferably via email if possible. You can send a message via our Contact Us page or send an email to [email protected]
You can also cancel your booking online by logging in to your account and selecting the cancel option for the booking that you wish to cancel.
If you cancel more than six weeks before your departure date: Unfortunately if you need to cancel your booking we are unable to offer any refund or transfer for the deposit paid your booking (or for any individual cancelled places from a booking). This is stated clearly in our terms and conditions, and at the time of booking.
If you cancel within six weeks before your departure date If you cancel your booking for any reason at all within six weeks of your departure date then in the first instance we are not able to offer any refund or transfer of the payments made towards your booking. This is stated clearly in our terms and conditions, and at the time of booking.
If you do need to cancel your booking within six weeks of your departure date then upon your request we can to attempt to re-sell the places that you have cancelled, and if we are successful in doing this then we will offer a credit on your account with us that you can use towards a future booking. We reserve the right to impose an administration charge (equivalent to the deposit value amount) which may be deducted from the credit offered.
All of our short breaks and holidays are planned and priced based on us providing a package of coach travel, hotel accommodation, and where applicable entry tickets to attractions/venues/shows. To offer the best possible prices for our breaks, we work with suppliers (hotels, venues, attractions) where we are required to make a financial commitment for all of the elements of your package in advance. Therefore, if you cancel your break within six weeks of your departure we will already have paid, or made a commitment to paying for all of these elements of your package. For this reason we are unable to offer any kind of refund or transfer of payments, unless we are successfully able to re-sell your places.
We do our utmost to ensure that you are fully aware of this at the time of booking and when sending email communications about your booking (such as your booking confirmation and final payment reminder) and in these communications we always recommend that should you require any kind of financial compensation in the event that you are unable to travel for personal reasons, that you take out a suitable travel insurance policy that you will provide you with cover for this.
As a small business sadly we would not be able to viably operate our package breaks (with coach travel and hotel elements) if we were required to refund customers upon demand at any point up until the date of travel.
For example, just to put a coach on the road we need to carry a minimum number of passengers to ensure that we can pay our drivers, fuel, maintenance, and all the other overheads that we pay as a travel business. With all our business costs currently increasing this is more essential than ever before.
Had a fabulous time, Shaun our driver was fab, nothing was too much trouble.
Hotel was clean & tidy. Looking forward to the next trip we have already booked for next year ????"